Monday, May 24, 2010

Introducing BigDaddy

Fear Big Daddy! But not what this blog is about...

2006 Honda VTX1300R. I have dubbed this bike BigDaddy as it is, literally one of the largest bikes I have ever ridden. Thus, it seemed only right to name the two wheeled variety after one of my favorite computer characters. Eventually, plans include painting the bike with a mural of BigDaddy on the tank, but for now, the bike is what it is.

An absolute joy to ride.

One of the first things I did before buying the bike was inspect a lot of the things I feel are skipped or intentionally missed during the "pre-sell". You know, when you first set sights on the bike, tell yourself that you have to have it, but are willing to pretend indifference as to not encourage would be salespeople to perform the secret kung fu move called "Hard-sell" on you, to which there is little defense. I actually looked at the tread depth on the tires, looked at the brake wear on the pads, all the cables, dirt accumulation on the rims, rust on aforementioned rims, quality of the paint, spokes, condition of the chrome, pipes and more. I could give you a list of details I inquired about, but you get the idea. I left for the day.

In defense of the bike shop I purchased this particular wonder on wheels from, they are excellent, take great pride in their rides and in fact, this bike had been a favorite of the salesperson I eventually bought it from. he had been using it as his own personal ride. Needless to say, I find it hard to believe that he would be riding around on a rattle trap of death.

The bike had 8200 miles on the O, barely broken in for a 2006, and in remarkably good shape. A little dusty, but excellent nonetheless. Financing in place, I rode it home with my vanity plates installed.

Of course, as soon as I got it home I changed the washed and waxed the entire bike, changed the plugs, checked the air cleaner and polished the chrome. let it not be said that I rested upon my laurels! Certainly not! Soon I'll be changing the oil (not that it needs it... I believe them when they said they just changed the oil. I asked about the plugs and their response of course was, "It's not time yet." HaH!)

I also purchased a Shark 250w audio system for the bike that included 2 speakers, the amp, a handlebar remote and audio cable, useful for attaching your personal mP3 player. Which leads to first modification of this bike.

Which I'll post in my next entry.

Keep your pants on, willya?

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